Aggregate ————————————agg
Bitumen ————————————–bit
Block work ———————————–blk
Brick work ———————————–bwk
Building ————————————-bldg
Column —————————————col
Concrete ————————————-conc
Dam proof course/membrane ——— dpc/dpm
Drawing——————————- drg
Elevation ———————————- EL
Foundation —————————– fds
Full size ————————- FS
Setting out point ———————- SOP
Setting out line ————————– SOL
Near face——————————- NF
Far face ——————————- FF
Each face ——————————- EF
Each way ——————————- EW
Centers ——————————— crs
Centre to centre ——————– c/c
Finishing floor level ———————- FFL
Structural floor level ———————– SFL
Average ———————————– av
External —————————- ext
Figure —————————- FIG or fig
Internal ———————————— int
Holes ——————————– hls or HOLES
Radius ——————————– rad
Inside ———————————— id
Outside —————————- od
Sheet ———————————- sh
Horizontal ———————————- hor
Vertical ————————– vert
Not to scale ————————– NTS or nts
Bottom ———————- B or b
Top ——————————- T or t