Type of Equipment Used in Road Construction

Equipment used in road construction is an important economic and design factor in road location and subsequent design. Road Construction equipment has gone through incredible advancements in recent decades and all of them have been directed towards improving speed, quality, ensure safe work sites  and benefit of every worker.

That is that today’s machines pave a lot more road in less time, and they do a better job of it. This turn has also helped to bring costs down when the costs are of course factored for inflation. Construction equipment leasing is essential in the road construction project. It is one of the few ways that you can really make a good profit from owning construction machinery.

Type of road construction equipment used in order to construct not only highways but bridges, airports and even multi-story buildings. In  project different machinery is requiredfor different types of jobs. The sequence of job operations can be as follows.

    • Clearing the site.
    • Formation of sub grade—Embankment or cutting.
    • Spreading of material.
    • Rolling or compaction.
    • Surfacing.

Machinery used for clearing the site. For site clearancegenerally following machinery can be used:

  • Dozer—bull dozer, angle dozer, tree dozer, etc.
  • Rooter or Ripper.
  • Tractor.
  • Scraper.

Formation of subgrade.  For this purpose earth diggingequipment is also used as drag line, shovel, etc. For preparing the sub grade generally following machinery isused:

  • Tractor
  • Dozer
  • Grader
  • Shovel
  • Drag line
  • Clam shell
  • Trucks
  • Rollers
  • Plough  etc.

Manufacturing and spreading of Material. For this operationgenerally following equipment is required:

  • Crushers
  • Trucks
  • Aggregate distributors

Surfacing. Surfacing generally consists of the followingtypes:

  • Bituminous surfacing
  • Concrete surfacing

For bituminoussurfacing following equipment is required:

  • Bitumen boiler
  • Bitumen sprayer
  • Aggregate spreader
  • Bitumen mix spreading machine
  • Grouting, machine
  • Rollers.

Concrete surfacing needs equipment as follows:

  • Central batching and mixing plant
  • concrete mixers
  • Concrete pavers
  • Concrete sprayer
  • Concrete vibrators etc.

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